In Wrath of the River King - D&D 5E Adventure - In the small hamlet of Riverbend, the miller’s wife is missing, and the locals suspect that the husband himself was involved. But all is far from what it seems. Ellessandra, the missing woman, is actually an elf from the Summer Lands. She came to live in the human settlement when the miller made a dangerous pact with the River King, the lands’ powerful sidhe ruler. Now, the player characters must unravel the truth behind Ellessandra’s disappearance, piece together the involvement of a young brownie-turned-fey-lord, and dive into the fey courts of the Summer Lands to stop a raid that would surely spell Riverbend’s doom. All the while, Arthurian intrigue and mischief runs high among the fey lords and ladies in this mercurial, open-format adventure from acclaimed adventure designer Wolfgang Baur!
- Cards
- Boards
- Battlefront Minatures
- Battlezones
- Dead Zone
- Dreadball
- Dreadball Xtreme
- Dungeon Saga
- Gale Force Nine
- Gripping Beast
- Kings of War
- Mars Attacks
- Osprey Wargames
- Perry Miniatures
- Sails of Glory
- Star Wars X-Wing
- Steamforged Games
- The Walking Dead All Out War
- Warhammer 40K
- Warlord Games
- Warmachine & Hordes
- Wings of Glory
- Paints, Brushes and Tools
- Rulebooks
- Gift Card