The Last Hundred Yards Vol. 3: The Solomon Islands is the third game in the Last Hundred Yards Series. This game focuses on the vicious and brutal Solomons Campaign, including actions to control the islands of Guadalcanal, Bougainville, and New Georgia.
- 4 double-sided geomorphic maps (8 total)
- 4 full-size counter sheets
- 1 half-size counter sheet
- 1 full-color Rules booklet
- 1 full-color Playbook
- 5 Mission Cards (10 missions)
- 2 Combat/Terrain Charts
- 1 Game Turn Track
- 4 10-sided Dice
The Last Hundred Yards Volume III: Solomon Islands is the core volume and will be required to play all future Pacific Theater Modules or Mission Packs.
This game is a stand alone game. It does NOT require ownership of The Last Hundred Yards to be played.