The Allied offensive in March 1945 was one marked by extensive planning and preparation, as well as bold and daring maneuvers that not only took the Commonwealth and Indian forces across the Irrawaddy River to Rangoon, but crushed the defending Imperial Japanese Burma Area Army.
Defeat into Victory, by designer Paul Rohrbaugh, covers this neglected aspect of WWII history, using a very interactive and easy to play (chit-pull activation system) design. The game map stretches from Dimapur in the north to Rangoon in the south. Rules cover supply (a crucial aspect in terrain that was among the most inhospitable of the war), various types of combat (fire, maneuver and assault), as well as morale and leadership. Rules also include random events (that simulate the effects of battles and decisions by higher-ups elsewhere), weather, Japanese suicide tank attacks (human combat destruction squads) and changing war goals. The air campaign is also simulated (in much more detail than generic "air points").
Scenarios include the initial Japanese offensive against Imphal and Kohima, two on the Allied 1945 offensive, as well as the Campaign Game. Tough decisions will have to be made by both sides as they allocate precious resources among their formations, determine their enemy's intentions and balance their plans, as well as attack and defend.
Defeat Into Victory and issue #36 of ATO:
Map - One full color 22"x34" hex mapsheet
Counters - 300 full color 1/2" die-cut pieces
Rules length - 12 pages
Charts and tables - 2 pages
Complexity - Medium
How challenging is it solitaire? - Average
Design - Paul Rohrbaugh
Development - Lembit Tohver
Graphics - Mark Mahaffey