The Tools to Tell Your Story, and the Pages to Preserve It
This is your character's story. Keep it proudly, and create something that you can refer back to in your dotage, long after your character met their tragic, or heroic, or heroically tragic, end.
This Complete Character Chronicle is a full-size journal that includes:
• Complete feats, spells, and rules from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and the Advanced Player's Guide for you class (and your class only!):
• Original Artwork and elements like Birth and Death Certificates, a floor plan for your home base, and more.
• Complete, expansive character sheets:
• Journal section with grids for map-making and inspiring (or just funny) quotes from famous adventurers:
• A custom whiteboard to track your progress
All on a lay-flay binding and high quality paper fit for scribbling, drawing, journaling, adding hit points, erasing hit points, and anything else you need to record the epic story of your character.
150-200 pages (depends on class)