In Midgard GM's Screen for 5th Edition is a durable, four-panel Game Master's Screen featuring lavish art, a glorious map of Midgard, and a hoard of useful tables! Perfect to keep your game running smoothly. The landscape screen makes it easy for you to see the table of play, while keeping your own notes and die rolls hidden. More than 20 tables inside provide support for all levels of GM ability, as well as for combat, exploration, and travel. Level up your game with the Midgard GM's Screen for 5th Edition!
- Cards
- Boards
- Battlefront Minatures
- Battlezones
- Dead Zone
- Dreadball
- Dreadball Xtreme
- Dungeon Saga
- Flames of War
- Gale Force Nine
- Gripping Beast
- Kings of War
- Mars Attacks
- Osprey Wargames
- Perry Miniatures
- Privateer Press
- Sails of Glory
- Star Wars X-Wing
- Steamforged Games
- The Walking Dead All Out War
- Warhammer 40K
- Warlord Games
- Warmachine & Hordes
- Wings of Glory
- Paints, Brushes and Tools
- Rulebooks
- Gift Card