Requires a copy of SWORDPOINT Ancient and Medieval Wargames Rules to use this book.
Swordpoint Medieval Armies provides you with all the information you need to field Medieval Armies in your games of Swordpoint.
The book covers the period 1066AD to 1526AD and contains 48 army lists (see below) with many variants, stretching from the Crusades to the Italian Wars and the Moghul Conquest of India.
Softback, full colour, 48 pages (including cover)
Medieval Wales
Medieval Scandinavia
Medieval Burmese
Crusading Military Orders
Christian Crusaders
Medieval Russian
Early Holy Roman Empire
Feudal Polish
Medieval Bulgaria
Baltic Pagans
Kingdom of Cilicia
Duchy of Achaia
Muslim Indian
Mongol Conquest and Khanates
Medieval Serbia
Medieval Spanish
Medieval Scottish
Medieval Byzantine
Medieval Albania
Ottoman Turks
Medieval English
The Catalan Company
Later Medieval Hungarian
Low Countries
Later Italian City States
Aztec Triple Alliance
Medieval French
Medieval Moldavia and Walachia
Later Polish
White Company
Ming Chinese
Later Holy Roman Empire
Medieval Persia
Incan Empire
Late medieval French
War of the Roses
Ordonnance Burgundian
French Expedition
Spanish in Italy
Renaissance Scots
Moghul Conquest